
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Organic Chemistry, "Form", Part 22 - Ethers - Structures and Naming


This post is a summary of Ether structures and corresponding nomenclature.  IUPAC rules and stock naming methods are quite different for ethers.  IUPAC specifies an alkoxy group consisting of the lower molecular weight alkyl group and the ether oxygen.  The IUPAC name of an ether is then, generally, alkoxy name - alkane name.  The stock ether name lists the two groups (often hydrocarbon chains or rings), starting with the smaller one followed by the word "ether".  Some examples are provided below.

IUPAC names are all one word together with no spaces.  Stock names are two words - Hydrocarbon description + "Ether".  For example, the last stock name listed above is, "Ethylisopropyl Ether".

That's all for this post.  As always, thank you for reading!

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