
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Organic Chemistry - "Change", Part 8 - Overview: Types of Alkene Addition Reactions


It is useful, at this juncture, to discuss some of the more important (in industrial processes) addition reactions. Breaking the various forms, of addition reactions, into separate catagories is helpful for learning them, so that is what we'll do here.

Summary of Alkene Addition Reactions, Catagorized

  • Direct Addition - These are more fundamental reactions; carried out in fewer steps.
    • Two atoms of the same element added
    • Separate species added: Two different elements or one element and one functional group
  • Indirect Addition - These reactions require more steps and additional reagents: Useful for controlling nature of products; placement of added species, optical isomers, and transformation to different compounds.
    • Concerted - Initiated in a single step, involving both carbon atoms across the double bond
    • Initiated by formation of a complex intermediate species on a single carbon of the double bond
Future posts will expand the list, provided above, with specific examples and visual aids!

Side Note - Catagorizing complex subjects into simpler parts is a great way to make them easier to understand and learn! This organizing technique is useful for understanding many Chemical Science topics and even for problem-solving!

That's all for this post.  As always, thank you for reading!

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