
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Organic Chemistry - Form, Part 3 - Branched Chain Alkanes and Their Nomenclature


This post begins where the last left off.  Now, we'll look at the nomenclature for a hydrocarbon alkane with alkyl groups attached.  There are three main points to remember:

  1. Identify the longest "straight chain".
  2. Number the carbon atoms of the longest chain beginning with the nearest alkyl branch.
  3. Use commas to separate parts and use the appropriate prefix for duplicate or triplicate branches.

The following diagram lists the common alkyl groups and provides a nomenclature example.  The current chemistry student should practice a number of these.

As you can see, the naming convention is systematic and actually quite simple with a little practice.

That's all for now.  As always, thank you for reading!

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