
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Chemistry of Liquids, Part 3 - Measuring Properties

There are several interesting properties of liquids which can be measured quantitatively.  Among the most interesting are viscosity, refractive index, and the colligative properties - freezing point depression and boiling point elevation.  Viscosity and refractive index are described below.


Viscosity is a measure of the "thickness" of a liquid.  More specifically, the force against a smooth object (such as a metal sphere or cylinder) moving a certain distance at a particular rate is measured.  A common viscosity unit is Stokes.  The instrument for viscosity determination, shown in the diagram (below), uses a rotating spindle placed into a sample of liquid.  The resistance to motion of the spindle is detected and a signal is sent to the computer.  There, a program computes the viscosity based on the spindle size and turning rate (i.e. angular momentum).

Refractive Index

The refractivity of a substance is a measure of its ability to bend a ray of light.  Transparent liquids bend light because the speed of light is slightly lower going through a liquid than it is going through the surrounding air.  The refractive index is determined by a simple application of Snell's Law, which states that, for a particular material, a constant ratio equal to sin(incoming light angle)/sin(angle of refraction) exists.  The constant ratio, just described, is the refractive index.  A refractometer is an instrument used to determine the refractive index of a liquid sample.  A beam of light is allowed to go through a liquid sample and the incoming light angle and angle of refraction are sensed by a detector.  This information is then used to calculate the refractive index for the liquid sample.  A diagram of a typical refractometer is provided in the diagram below.

The properties, viscosity and refractive index, are easily determined and are used in research and quality control laboratories around the world.

Thank you for reading!

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